To live + to work + to strategize = strategies to enhance performance within the context of the life you want to live!
We coach only on a referral basis. All other services are available on a non-referral basis. See services section for more information.

To learn more please click on the links below:
Our Process...
We partner to achieve clear articulation of measurable goals.
We partner to craft a realistic strategy to achieve measurable goals.
We partner to support the development and execution of thoughtful plans. We don’t leave you with a strategic blueprint to fend for yourself.
We monitor milestones and measure desired outcomes, results and success.
What Our Clients Are Saying about Our Performance Effectiveness
Barry Jentz - Owner, Leadership and Learning Inc. (business partner) - Zoom Info
Engagement/Relationship - Business Associate
"Patricia has designed and produces the most remarkable leadership development program that I have encountered in forty years of doing this work: Repeatedly, participants take part in cycles of a four-step experiential learning process where they must 1) perform, 2) get in-the-moment feedback, 3) reflect on the antecedents and consequences of their behavior in an attempt to make new sense of how they behave and why, 4) demonstrate new behavior and receive feedback. Immersion in this disciplined process enlarges participants’ hearts, minds and repertoires of learning and leadership skills. Patricia’s program and the leadership she demonstrates in producing it embody a perfect marriage of substance and style, rigor and pizzazz, toughness and warmth, focus and fun, individual initiative and community."
Barry Jentz
Client: Penry Price, President Media Six Degrees - Ad Age
Relationship/Engagement: Penry hired Patricia as a Business Consultant
Great Results, Personable, Expert
"We hired Patricia at a critical time of our company's existence. We were growing rapidly, from a resource, revenue, and customer perspective and needed a sense check. Patricia was able to quickly assess our issues, facilitate sessions with the company's various teams, and provide critical feedback about our org, culture, and goals. She is a consummate professional and completely transparent with her process. Her ability to connect to, understand, and support each and every individual she comes in contact with is a gift. Patricia is a great coach, strategic thinker, and facilitator. I would happily recommend her to others and look forward to continuing our work together."
Daria Torres Managing Partner, Walls Torres Group, LLC
Relationship and Engagement: Daria hired Patricia to deliver workshops for her MBA students at Northeastern University. Patricia also worked with Daria as a product development partner.
"Patricia Hayling Price is the "gold standard" of impactful leadership. Not only does she leave an indelibly positive mark on everyone and everything she touches, she also has an awe-striking ability to inspire and engage other leaders. As a strategy consultant and leadership educator for some of the world's preeminent institutions, I have worked personally with senior executives and renowned academics throughout my career. This level of exposure permits me to say, without reservation, that Patricia is a master of translating vision into action. Whether she's coaching Fortune 50 CEOs, building programs to develop top-tier talent, or facilitating strategy sessions for any of her impressive clients, Patricia is planting seeds of growth and transformation. Any organization or executive fortunate enough to work with Patricia will experience tangible and lasting benefits from her sage counsel, steadfast integrity, and untiring commitment to add value."
Client: Tom Phillips CEO, Dstillery - Wikipedia
Relationship/Engagement: Tom hired Patricia as a Career Coach
"Patricia has been a godsend to Media6Degrees. She has been a sounding board to the executive team, an inspiration to our sales folks, a master of organization and interpersonal dynamics, an independent and trusted expert for counsel and career advice, and generally a compelling and influential presence at the company in just a few hours a week. The management team lines up at the door to get time with her. She is simultaneously a world-class listener and a decisive contributor to management challenges. She has helped us crystallize the strengths in our company culture, and she has made this a better and more productive place to work."
Tom Phillips
"As CEO LexisNexis Group, I retained Patricia to help with career development and coaching of some of our senior management. She also partnered with me on a private investment / business which required considerable insight and acumen to get opinionated strong-minded senior people to work constructively and cooperatively towards a common objective. She is smart, extremely hard working, astute, intelligent, innovative and perceptive beyond words. I would not hesitate to use her to help with tough personnel issues involving ticklish people issues with lots of very busy, independent, headstrong senior people."
Andy Prozes
Andrea Gilman
SVP, Product Management, New Payments and Commercial Products Mastercard
"If you need a career coach, look no further! Patricia's coaching is practical, savvy and bold. Patricia was instrumental in my transition to executive management-- she helped me navigate unexpected hurdles, realize genuine opportunities and deliver meaningful results."
Janice Robinson Burns
Chief Learning Officer, MasterCard
"Patricia is a very knowledgeable, pragmatic and highly credible executive coach who delivers real results. Patricia has provided executive - coaching services, facilitated group workshops on a variety of development topics and provided consultative support in designing full day team building and development events. Patricia always receives very positive reviews and is frequently requested as a guest speaker/facilitator for events"
David Reinhold
Executive Director at Loeb Enterprises
"I've had the pleasure of working with Patricia ....for 3 years. She is an incredible executive coach and significantly helped me overcome many challenges (e.g., effective delegation, public speaking, managing with impact, etc.). Patricia is very insightful and helped me develop action plans.... Every interaction I've had with Patricia has left me feeling more confident about my abilities and inspired to seize the day. She is a special person that is a consistent positive force ....."
Jean Brewster
Solution-Focused Marketing Strategist| Innovative Thought Leader| Business Partner
"I was fortunate to have Patricia Hayling Price as my executive coach. One of her former colleagues described her as an "elegant role model", and that she is and so much more. She is a sage .....each session with her provided key insights that helped me understand where I wanted to be and how to get there. I would highly recommend Patricia if you are seeking a world - class executive coach."
Alicia LeBeouf
Senior Director, Target
"I first met Patricia as a participant in an executive development program developed and facilitated by Patricia. Her expert counsel, development expertise, and coaching within that forum proved to be the tools I needed as a mid-level executive. I was so impressed by Patricia’s guidance, that I continued my engagement with her after the conclusion of the program. Patricia helped me navigate important career transitions, define my value-add, and outline a development plan to continue to be relevant in the global marketplace. As a highly-sough after advisor and coach, Patricia’s skills and expertise are un-matched. Patricia has helped individuals and organizations reach their full potential."
Andrew R. Davidson
Tenured Professor/Vice Provost for Academic Planning
Columbia University...Note to Patricia (2015):
You have been going from strength to strength in your work with us in the Provost’s Office. I thought your session today was fantastic, and your ability to interact and role - play with faculty members is a gift.
Thank you,
For additional reference by functional area, business category or engagement type, please contact us.
Partial Client List